
Urgent appeal One of detainees facing death threat

Doctor Mohammed zareh who was detained on 11/5/2006 while demonstrating in support of judges, is facing the danger of death, since he has” insulin dependent diabetes” unstable state. Currently Zareh complains of : diabetic foot, peripheral neuropathy, hypertension.
Any delay in referral of Zareh to well equipped hospital may lead to gangrene and septicemia, this complication may lead to death.
In addition to the critical case of Zareh there are two other detainees have also serious illness. Yasser AL droby has “insulin dependent diabetes”
Ahmed Salaah has “chronic obstructive lung disease and emphysema”.

Please appeal for release Mohammed Zareh, Yasser Al droby and Ahmed Salaah or at least transfer to the suitable hospital.

President Mubarak:
Fax/ +(02)3901998

Minster of judge:
Fax/+(02)7922263 -7922265 -7922267

Minster of health:

Attorney general:

Doctor Hamdy Al said ” the director of doctor’s syndicate”

The institute of prisons
FAX: + (02) 5741871

for the Management & Rehabilitation of Victims of Violence

Address: 3A Soliman El Halabi St. from Ramsis St.
Tel. (202)5787089 Fax: (202) 5776792
E-mail: nadeem@link.net

اظهر المزيد

نشــــطاء الـرأي

نشــــــــطاء الـــرأي : كيان رمزي وخط إنساني لحرية الإنتقاد الثقافي و الفكري والسياسي ، بدعم مالي مستقل Organization for peace and liberty – OPL : www.opl-now.org

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