Reoprt About The Situation of Syrian Writer ,Publisher & Journalist Ahmad Sleiman

International Organizations concerning the Freedom of expression.
For Urgent Action
Reoprt About The Situation of Syrian Writer ,Publisher &
Journalist Ahmad Sleiman
To : International Organizations concerning human rights and the
Freedom of expression.
From :
Intisar al-Ozaizi (Ms) AODEPF Executive Directors
Toujan Faisal (Ms) AODEPF External Relations Commissioner.
Dear Sir /Madame,
We write to you on behalf of the Arab Organization For the Defenseof Expression & Press Freedom-AODEPF and its general secretary Nizar Nayouf . On
26.08.2003 Syrian writer,journalist and publisher Ahmad Sleiman (descendant from
a Turkish origin)Arived in the city of DUSSELDOORF (Germany) in which he asked
for political asylum . 3 days later, he was transferred to TRIER for
investigation by the domestic authorities concerning such as cases, then to
FRANKENTHAL . Since that date he is staying in a camp , waiting for the final
decision about his situation. Unfortunately the German authorities’ action with
him was not fit, although his position of health is very bad . He told AODEPF
that “ the social worker responsible for him told him that he has no right of
hospitalization unless he gets a job “. However, they have rejected to retain a
lawyer for him. So he was compelled to do that at his own expense ,
who is Hans GEORGVEIT (Tel :0049-65140203 ;Fax :0049-6514359 A
Brief CV :
I-Identity Card
Place of birth : Aleppo (Syria);
of birth : 30 Jan.,1966;
Nationality : Syrian;
Dossier No. (in Germany) : 5046331( it’s also for his refuge card).
II- Writings :
Lyric of Deads (poetic texts), Beirut , 1993;
Swoon of Absentmindedness(poetic texts),Beirut 1996;
Secret Grandchild(poetic texts), Beirut 1999(published under his Turkish pen
name Orhan Ozbay) ;
Flowers of Fire(poitic texts), Beirut 2001;
-I Do Shape (poetic texts),Beirut 2002;
-The Dialoque at Present( a big volume of about 140 Arab writers
and intellectuals on human rights and the problems of democratization in the
Arab world)(Editor),Beirut 2003.
Owner and editor of al-An (Now) publications
Present Addresses :
Ahmad Sleiman
Albert st. , 18
67227 Frankenthal
Tel (mobile)0049-16 26 53 40 11