
Doctor Haytham Manna د.هيثم مناع

Doctor Haytham Manna
Spokesperson of the Arab Commission for Human Rights
د.هيثم مناع الناطق باسم اللجنة العربية لحقوق الإنسان

C.A. Droits Humains 5, rue Gambetta  92240 Malakoff- France
Fax et Phone: (33-1) 4092-1588 (33-1) 4654-1913
Email: achrhm@noos.fr

Born in Omalmayaden (South Syria) in 1951. Family name: ALOUDAT
– Studied Medicine at the University of Damascus in Syria, and Mary & Pierre Currie in France.
– Received a Diploma in psychosomatic treatment from the University of Paris 13, and a Diploma in sleeping and waking disorders from the University of Montpellier, 1989. Taught courses on sleeping disorders at the University of North Paris in 1990.

  • Co-founder and member of the direction of redaction of the French theoretic revue SOU’AL (1980-1990).
  • Co-founder and Director of the Revue MOUKARABAT (1998-2006)

    – Studied social sciences and received a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the Higher Institute of Social Sciences, Paris, 1983.

    – Coordinator of Dr. Kuzbari (President and founder of the Syrian League for Human Rights) Committee ( 1982-1985).

    Co-founder and international relations supervisor of the Committees for The Defense of Democratic Freedoms and Human Rights in Syria (1990-1998).

    – Vice President of the International Federation for Human Rights(1994-1997).

    – Member of the Commission of Religions in Amnesty International-Paris (1995-1998)

    – Member of Reform Penal International(1996-1999)

    – Member of the Board of Trustees of the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies.

    • Member of the Board of Trustees of the Arab Program for Human Rights Activists(1996-2001).
    • President of the Arab Center for the Independence of Judiciary 2002

    – Spokesperson of the Arab Commission for Human Rights (1998-2002)

    – Honored by Human Rights Watch in 1992.

    • Medal of Human Rights- National Academy of Sciences- Washington (1996).
    • Member of the direction of Justicia Universalis
    • Member of the Direction of AVRE (France)
    • President of the International Bureau of Humanitarian NGOs (Geneva) – 2004


    – The Revolt of the Peasant Commune in 1886, Damascus, 1975. In Arabic

    – Woman in Islam, Beirut, 1980. In Arabic.

    – L’Islam et la maladie, EHESS, Paris, 1983, (in French)

    – The Arab-Islamic Society From Muhammad to My, Paris, 1986. In Arabic

    – The Production of Man in the Mediterranean East: The Clan, The Tribe And The State, Beirut, 1986. In Arabic

    – The Woman!!, Coln, 1988. In Arabic

    – Sommeil-Veil: Approche éco-psycho-somatique, Université de Paris XIII, 1989. In French.

    – The World of Sleep, Lataqia, 1990.

    – The Veil, Coln, 1990.

    – The Dialectic of Enlightenment, Beirut, 1990.

    – The Challenges of Enlightenment, Coln, 1991.

    – The Victim and The Executioner, Cairo, 1995.

    – Human Rights in the Arab-Islamic Culture. 1996

    – Citizenship in the Arab-Islamic History ( In Arabic and English) 1998

    – Islam et Hérésies, l’Harmattan, Paris, 1997. ( in French)

    Torture in the Arab World in the 20th century. Paris, 1998. ( In Arabic and French 2end edition: Violence et torture dans le monde arabe- l’Harmattan 2000)

    • First writtens about Human Rights in the Arab World, Coln-Beyrouth, 1999, in Arabic.
    • Islamic fudamentalisms and human rights, Cairo 1999 et Arbil 2000.
    • State of law in Tunisia, Cairo, 1999.
    • Short Universal Encyclopedia of Human Rights, editors al-Ahali, Bisan, Erabe, Paris-Beyrouth-Damas,2000-2002.
    • Islam and women rights, Cairo, 2001.
    • Freedom in the literature of exile, Damascus-Paris, 2001.
    • Islam and International Humanitarian Law, Amman 2002
    • US and Human Rights, Paris et Damas, 2003
    • A scream before the kill. Paris and Damas, 2004
    • On Human Rights Culture. Beyrouth and Jedda 2004
    • The Futur of Human Rights, Impunity and International Law, 2005
    • Protection of journalists, 2005
    • Rights of Child, 2005
    • Human Rights and Humanitarian Action in the Arab World. In English, 2006

    He participated in several collective works on women in the Arab World and on human rights, and published about 600 articles and lectures in Arabic, French and English.


    Scientific Bases of Clinical Practice, University of Damascus, 1973. ( From English to Arabic)

    -Pre-Capitalist Relationship (Texts), From English to Arabic, Beirut, 1976.

    Psychology and History, Texts of Freud and others, dar al-Haqiqa, Beirut, 1978.

    – Translation with Violette Daguerre of the Arabic edition of the letter of the International Federation for Human Rights ( 1993-1997).

    – Translation of the Arabic edition of the journal of Working Together for Human Rights(1997-1998) from French.

    Coordinator of seminars

    Syria: 30 years of state of emergency, Amnesty International, CDF, FIDH. 1993

    Seminar about Islam and Human Rights. with the LTDD in (N’djamena 1995).

    Seminar about Human Rights Advocates under the state of emergency, CDF, FIDH and C.A. Droits Humains, Paris 1996.

    Seminar about Human Rights in the Mediterranean, EOHR&FIDH, Cairo, 1997.

    Seminar about Human rights defenders in a new century. ACHR & APHRA Rabat, 1999

    Seminar for Arab NGO in exile, ACHR & APHRA, 2001.

    Seminar for Human Rights Women defenders 2001

    Semirar for Women and human rights in the Arab World 2001

    Training for Rehabilitation of Victims of Torture, Manama Dec. 2002

    Paris Conference for Humanitarian NGOs January 2003

    Syria: 40 years of state of emergency, ACHR and HRAS- Malakoff

    Trianing for lybian HR Defenders in exile, Manchester, 2003

    Training for HRD in the Golf , Doha, 2004

    Impunity and International Law, Manama 2004

    Syrian Democratic Rencontre , Paris, 2004

    2nd International Conference for Humanitarian NGOs, Geneva 2004

    5 seminars on the Protection of journalists 2005 

    Humanitarian and Human Rights Missions

    -Yemen 1977 (Humanitarian action)

    – Pakistan 1993

    – Azad Kashmir. 1993

    -Egypt, 1994.

    – Algeria, 1995

    • Algeria, 1997
    • Tunisia 1999
    • Egypte 2000
    • Morroco 2001
    • Bahrain 2002
    • Qatar ‏2003
    • Amman 2003
    • Iraq 2003
    • Egypt 2004
  • اظهر المزيد

    نشــــطاء الـرأي

    نشــــــــطاء الـــرأي : كيان رمزي وخط إنساني لحرية الإنتقاد الثقافي و الفكري والسياسي ، بدعم مالي مستقل Organization for peace and liberty – OPL : www.opl-now.org

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